CESB – Canada Emergency Student Benefit

This program was created to provides financial support to post-secondary students, and recent post-secondary and high school graduates who are unable to find work due to COVID-19.


From May to August 2020, the CESB provides a payment to eligible students of:

For each 4-week periodor

For each 4-week period, if you have dependants or a disability

Post-secondary students

The CESB is available to eligible post-secondary students, post-secondary graduates, and students who have recently left their post-graduate studies.

You can start applying during the May 10 to June 6 eligibility period. If your situation continues, you must re-apply for another 4-week eligibility period.

Eligibility periods for post-secondary students:

  • May 10 to June 6, 2020
  • June 7 to July 4, 2020
  • July 5 to August 1, 2020
  • August 2 to August 29, 2020

Graduating high school students

The CESB is only available to eligible students who:

  • completed or expect to complete high school, or received, or expect to receive their high school equivalency in 2020
  • applied for a post-secondary educational program that starts before February 1, 2021

If you complete high school:

  • before June 7, 2020, your high school completion date must be before the start of the first eligibility period you are applying for
  • after June 7, 2020, you can only apply for 2 eligibility periods, starting from the July 5 to August 1 eligibility period